Count down to Silverrudder Challenge:
until Silverrudder Friday 19. Sept. 2025
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You are here: Practical Information > Transfer and refund

Transfer and refund of entries SILVERRUDDER 2024

Dear SILVERRUDDER friends and participants.

Last year, sale of all 450 SILVERRUDDER start numbers took less than one hour. Even though
this in itself is a measurement of success, it left some sailors disappointed at not having been able
to secure a start number.

During the final months leading up to the event, a number of SILVERRUDDER participants
expressed a wish to sell or transfer their personal entry enabling other sailors to participate
in the event. Some had sold their boats and others were unable to race for other personal
reasons. This also meant that fewer boats were able to start the event than had actually enrolled.

It has therefore been decided that registered participants that cannot participate in the
SILVERRUDDER Challenge 2024 may return their entry to the SILVERRUDDER Administration
and receive a part-refund of DKr. 600. This is only possible if they, no later than 1st August, have
cancelled their enrolment in writing to Return of entries may only
be done by the original buyer and the DKr. 600 refund can only be transferred to the original
credit card used to enroll. The SILVERRUDDER Administration will re-sell the returned entries on
a first come-first served basis on 11th August at 18.00 CET. Sailors wishing to enroll should visit

Timetable for SILVERRUDDER enrolment, sale and transfer

• 10th. March 18.00 CET. Sale of 450 entries. DKr.1600. First come, first served.
• 4th. August at 18.00 CET. Deadline for return of entries to
• 11th. August at 18.00 CET. Sale of returned entries. DKr. 1600. First come, first served.
• 20th September. Start SILVERRUDDER 2024.

Kind regards

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